

I'm a science and mathematics educator, not a professional photographer (clearly...).
I realised making photos was very much in my bag given it's an art-form that intersects technology, gadgets, software and physics. All things that I'm enthusiastic about, and an amateur in 3 of the 4. This blog is a record of and a place to share my learning. 
I have only just started taking photography with any seriousness; hence "beta". Really it should be "alpha", but that might laughably be interpreted the wrong way...
I'm currently only shooting with a point and shoot - the Canon Powershot sx220hs. As good as it is, hopefully this part of the about page will be updated to a DSLR in the near future.

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Such a policy may seem to be capricious - perhaps even arrogant. It only seems capricious and arrogant because it is.

Some of the reasons I may wish to remove a comment: [a] the comment is over-long and rambling; [b] the comment is off-topic (e.g, personal) and doesn't redeem its irrelevance through the use of whimsical humour or biting satire; [c] the comment is insane; [d] the comment is obscene; [e] the comment contains inappropriate language (would you want a child to read it?); [f] the comment is inflammatory; [g] the comment is grossly insulting; [h] the comment is indecipherable, illiterate sludge; [i] spam; [j] the comment is too insightful and shows me up.

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